Tuesday, July 27, 2010

7-25 Deals GREAT WEEK!!!

After the horrible and disappointing week I had last week, THIS WEEK WAS AWESOME!!!

I made stops at Target, Walgreens and Lowes!

SPENT: $4.70 oop and even got a $3 RR from Walgreens!


The cashier at Target was even amazed at my total! She was in disbelief! She was awesome and nothing beeped! Great trip!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Disney Fund 7/18

This week was a GREAT week for the Disney Fund!!

I never posted how much I had from last weeks $10, actully the last 2 weeks $10. So for the last week I had $10 left.

I received a rebate check from SC Johnson for $5.

I also got called to do a marketing research round table discussion. It paid $75. I get there and they didn't need me, but I still got paid the entire $75. We are taking $25 out and my husband (Dan) is taking my to dinner and a movie. The $50 left is going into the Disney Fund.

I have also been paying less than $1 amounts with $1 and putting the change in a piggy bank. So I am only going to account for dollars. Once the piggy bank is full I will cash it in and add it to the Disney Fund.

So we are adding a total of $65 to the fund for the past 2 weeks.

We now have a total of $103 in the Disney fund!! WHOO HOO!!!!

7/18 Deals

Well ladies this week was a bust! I am soo upset!

For the 1st time I had a horrible trip to Target! The cashier was rude and then when a coupon would beep she would just take it and act like it worked, when it didn't! After getting to my car and really looking at my receipt I immediately went back in the store and returned everything to get my money back!

Walgreens was not much better. I couldn't seem to find anything I went for. I am going to attempt to go back tomorrow. I hope I have more luck!

We will see! I hope you all had a better week than me!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

$10 Rebate on Pantene, Olay, Covergirl, Venus and Secret

Just buy $30 of any Pantene, Olay, Covergirl, Venus or Secret products and get a $10 rebate!!

Copy and Paste into your web browser.


Week of 7/11 Deals

Here are my deals from this week. It was a good week!
(4) packs of Stride Gum
(3) 6 oz bags of Purina One Dog Food
Spent $1.08
(6) 6oz bags of Purina One Cat Food
(5) Pencils
(2) packs of Carefree Pantie Liners
(1) package of Goldfish Crackers
(1) Chapstick (filler)
Spent $0.82
Total spent this week $1.90
Total savings this week $28.87
Great week!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Disney Fund 7-13-10

Last week I didn't spend much, so I am adding $5 to my fund.

Adding the $5 to last weeks total gives me a new total of $49.27.

From the time I started saving (June 1st) I have saved about $8.33 a week for our fund.

Monday, July 12, 2010

I am National

I am so excited and proud of myself. Over the weekend, I found a coupon and and item in the ads to get free. It was an Olay coupon for $1 off and Deal$ has them this week for $1. So I e-mail my favorite coupon blog and she posted it!! She even said, "Thanks, Stephanie" on it. I was sooo excited! It's a very popular local/national blog! Yay, GO ME!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Review of My Savings

I am going to start showing you what I have saved. I will do this each week. I would like to go back to when I first started doing this, but I would have to make Dan dig out some receipts and I don't want to do that. So we will start at June 25th.

June 25 - (Target) Spent $6.12 Saved $105.02
June 30- (Target) Spent $29 Saved $94.25 Also got a $5 Target Gift Card
July 8- (Target) Spent $2.09 Saved $14.58
July 8- (K-Mart) Spent $2.17 Saved $13.98

Total: Spent $39.38
Total: Saved $227.83

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Disney Fund 7-6-10

Dan and I have decided that we are going to go to Disney World in 4 years. It's a long story why 4 years, but there is a reason. Anyway I have decided that I want to fund our trip! With all the savings, rebates, side jobs, etc. So this is the 1st post with what is in the Disney Fund.

Another thing that we are doing is Dan is going to give me $10 a week to use for my "deals". At the end of each week what is left will also go in this fund. That was started this week!

So I have been couponing for a little over a month now. I really started June 1st ish. In the past week I have saved:

$1.27 in change
$20.00 for Dog sitting my parents dog
$10.00 from a return
$10.00 from a SC Johnson Rebate
$3.00 from my grandma b/c she bought some of the things I got really cheap.

Grand Total of $44.27

Not bad for ONE month of saving!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Welcome To My Blog!

Welcome To My Blog! I am going to try to start posting daily deals and such here! If you have any daily deals to be posted please e-mail them to me at smpingel27@sbcglobal.net

