Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Disney Fund 7-6-10

Dan and I have decided that we are going to go to Disney World in 4 years. It's a long story why 4 years, but there is a reason. Anyway I have decided that I want to fund our trip! With all the savings, rebates, side jobs, etc. So this is the 1st post with what is in the Disney Fund.

Another thing that we are doing is Dan is going to give me $10 a week to use for my "deals". At the end of each week what is left will also go in this fund. That was started this week!

So I have been couponing for a little over a month now. I really started June 1st ish. In the past week I have saved:

$1.27 in change
$20.00 for Dog sitting my parents dog
$10.00 from a return
$10.00 from a SC Johnson Rebate
$3.00 from my grandma b/c she bought some of the things I got really cheap.

Grand Total of $44.27

Not bad for ONE month of saving!

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