Thursday, July 22, 2010

Disney Fund 7/18

This week was a GREAT week for the Disney Fund!!

I never posted how much I had from last weeks $10, actully the last 2 weeks $10. So for the last week I had $10 left.

I received a rebate check from SC Johnson for $5.

I also got called to do a marketing research round table discussion. It paid $75. I get there and they didn't need me, but I still got paid the entire $75. We are taking $25 out and my husband (Dan) is taking my to dinner and a movie. The $50 left is going into the Disney Fund.

I have also been paying less than $1 amounts with $1 and putting the change in a piggy bank. So I am only going to account for dollars. Once the piggy bank is full I will cash it in and add it to the Disney Fund.

So we are adding a total of $65 to the fund for the past 2 weeks.

We now have a total of $103 in the Disney fund!! WHOO HOO!!!!

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